Listed below are the 22 Things (or small exercises) that you can do on the web to explore and expand your knowledge of the Internet and Web 2.0.
Week 1: Introduction
1. Read this blog & find out about the program.
2. Discover a few pointers from lifelong learners and learn how to nurture your own learning process.
3. Watch this video from YouTube. (Don't worry if you don't get it. It will definitely make sense soon.)
4. Finally, spend a little time exploring TEVA and see what kind of fun things you can find from our collection.
Week 2: Blogging
5. Set up your own blog & add your first post.
6. Take a quick tutorial about TEL and spend some time searching TEL for either newspaper articles, health information or even an idea for the next novel you read. Record something on your blog that surprised you from TEL.
Week 3: Photos & Images
7. Explore Flickr and learn about this popular image hosting site.
8. Have some Flickr fun and discover some Flickr mashups & 3rd party sites.
9. Create a blog post that includes a picture from TEVA and comment on someone else's blog entry.
Week 4: RSS & Newsreaders
10. Learn about RSS feeds and setup your own Bloglines newsreader account.
11. Locate a few useful library related blogs and/or news feeds.
Week 5: Play Week
12. Take a look at LibraryThing and catalog some of your favorite books.
13. Take a closer look at YouTube.
14. Roll your own search tool with Rollyo.
15. Overcome your fear of Myspace
Week 6: Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati
16. Learn about tagging and discover a (a social bookmaking site)
17. Explore Technorati and learn how tags work with blog posts.
18. Read a few perspectives on Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and the future of libraries and blog your thoughts.
Week 7: Wikis and Archive-It
19. Learn about wikis and discover some innovative ways that libraries are using them.
20. Check out the Internet Archive and TSLA's own Archive-It project.
Week 8: Online Applications & Tools
21. Take a look at some online productivity (word processing, spreadsheet) tools.
22. Explore any site from the Web 2.0 awards list, play with it and write a blog post about your findings.