The Internet changes every millisecond. We all use it, but who is archiving it?
In May 2007, California officially recognized the Internet Archive, established in 1996, as a library. The designation makes the online archive eligible to apply for several federal grant programs that are administered by the state of California. But even more importantly, says Brewster Kahle, Internet Archive founder and digital librarian, was the recognition that a digital library is on equal footing with a print material archive -- that the Internet is becoming "more a part of our real civic structure."
Click on the About IA link at the top of the Internet Archive website.
Find something that interests you on the Internet Archive and write a review about it.
Just like Internet Archive that records the World Wide Web, TSLA uses Archive-It to archive State documents. Check it out at Archive-It
Discovery Exercise:
• Choose our Institution and browse the information we have archived.
• Find something that you think may interest our patrons and make a blog entry about it.
You're telling me that NSYNC fansite I made when I was 15 is never going to go away?!? Share your thoughts and results from Week 7 by clicking here!